Great teachers form strong relationships with their students and show that they care about them as people.



Many people believe  a teacher is just someone who teaches in a classroom, little do they know that a teacher is much more. I will take time to explain more on who a teacher is as we read on.

A teacher is commonly known as someone who teaches i.e. in a classroom. A teacher is very necessary in the educational system because if we have no teacher, the coming generation would be left ignorant.

A teacher is a pacesetter. Who is a pacesetter? A pacesetter is someone who gets good examples for others to follow. A teacher sets the pace in many areas; Educationally, Religiously, Morally and Socially. In an educational system, students see their teacher, especially the little ones, as a person who cannot make mistakes find children even go to the extent of saying 'that is not how my teacher taught us'. In the religious aspect, Christians and Muslims and even traditional worshipers look up to their religious leaders to lead them aright which clearly shows that teachers are pacesetters.

A teacher is a nation builder different profession helps in developing the nation and no profession is less important, both educational and non-educational profession. However, each person goes through a teacher. a certified doctor has to pass through many years of training in the school and is taught by a teacher, so also a mechanic who may have not gone to school undergoes training. All these people who helps in developing the nation has passed through a teacher which just means the teacher is a nation builder.

A teacher is a character builder. these point deals with parents, elders in the community as young ones consider them to be the ones who knows how one ought to behave. so every parent as a teacher is assigned with giving the children sound training character wise. Click here for more...

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